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What to Put on a Dog Lick Mat: Tasty and Engaging Treats for Your Pup

A dog lick mat is an incredible tool to keep your dog engaged, reduce anxiety, and promote better digestion by encouraging slower eating. But the key to making the most of your lick mat is choosing the right treats and spreads that your dog will love. In this article, we’ll explore the best foods to put on a dog lick mat, the benefits of using one, and how to make the experience enriching and fun for your dog


Why Use a Dog Lick Mat?

Before diving into the tasty options, let’s take a quick look at why dog lick mats are so beneficial for your furry friend:

1. Encourages Slow Eating

Lick mats are designed to slow down your dog’s eating pace. Instead of gulping down food in seconds, your dog has to work at licking up the spread, which can help prevent bloating and indigestion. This is especially useful for dogs that tend to eat too quickly.

2. Provides Mental Stimulation

Licking is a soothing activity for dogs, and a lick mat keeps them mentally stimulated as they focus on getting every last bit of food. It’s a great way to occupy their time, especially when they’re home alone or feeling anxious.

3. Reduces Anxiety

Licking releases endorphins, which can help calm an anxious dog. Using a lick mat during stressful times, such as thunderstorms, fireworks, or visits to the vet, can help reduce anxiety and provide comfort.

4. Improves Dental Health

The action of licking helps stimulate saliva production, which can aid in cleaning your dog’s tongue and teeth. Some lick mats even have ridges and grooves designed to promote dental health by scraping the tongue and gums.

What to Put on a Dog Lick Mat: Tasty and Healthy Options

When choosing what to put on your dog’s lick mat, it’s important to select dog-friendly, healthy options that are safe for your pet to consume. Here are some of the best foods and spreads that you can use to keep your dog happily occupied:

1. Peanut Butter

One of the most popular choices for a lick mat is peanut butter. Dogs love the taste, and its sticky texture makes it perfect for spreading on a mat. Just make sure to use unsweetened peanut butter that is free of xylitol, an artificial sweetener that is toxic to dogs. Look for natural peanut butter with no added sugars or preservatives.

Pro Tip: For an extra challenge, freeze the peanut butter on the mat before giving it to your dog.

2. Yogurt

Plain, unsweetened yogurt is another excellent option for a dog lick mat. It’s creamy and easy to spread, plus it’s rich in probiotics that support your dog’s digestive health. Avoid flavored yogurts, as they often contain sugars or artificial sweeteners. If your dog is lactose intolerant, consider using lactose-free yogurt.

Pro Tip: Mix in some blueberries or strawberries for added flavor and nutrition.

3. Pumpkin Puree

Plain canned pumpkin (not the spiced version used for pies) is a fantastic choice for a dog lick mat. Pumpkin is rich in fiber and can help with digestive issues, including constipation and diarrhea. Its smooth texture makes it easy to spread and enjoyable for dogs to lick off the mat.

Pro Tip: Mix pumpkin puree with a little bit of plain yogurt for a creamy and nutritious spread.

4. Mashed Sweet Potatoes

Mashed, cooked sweet potatoes are another nutritious and dog-safe option for a lick mat. Sweet potatoes are high in vitamins and antioxidants, making them a healthy treat for your pup. Simply steam or bake the sweet potatoes, mash them up, and spread them over the mat.

Pro Tip: Add a sprinkle of cinnamon for a flavor boost (but avoid sugar and nutmeg, which can be harmful to dogs).

5. Wet Dog Food

If you want to keep it simple, you can spread wet dog food directly onto the lick mat. This is a great option for dogs that already enjoy wet food, and it allows you to incorporate part of their daily meals into their licking experience.

Pro Tip: If your dog eats kibble, mix some wet food with their dry kibble and press it into the grooves of the mat.

6. Cottage Cheese

Cottage cheese is a protein-rich option that many dogs love. Choose low-fat or fat-free varieties, and make sure it’s plain with no added salt. Its smooth texture makes it easy to spread, and it’s an excellent source of protein and calcium.

Pro Tip: Add small chunks of your dog’s favorite fruits or vegetables to make it more exciting.

7. Applesauce

Unsweetened applesauce can be spread onto the lick mat for a naturally sweet treat. Apples are a great source of vitamins A and C, and they’re also high in fiber. Make sure the applesauce doesn’t contain any added sugars or artificial sweeteners.

Pro Tip: Mix applesauce with a spoonful of plain yogurt or peanut butter for a creamy combination.

8. Cream Cheese

Plain, low-fat cream cheese can be used sparingly as a special treat on the lick mat. Cream cheese is rich and tasty, but it should be used in moderation due to its high fat content. It’s a great option for occasional licking sessions and can be paired with other foods like fruits or vegetables.

Pro Tip: Spread a thin layer of cream cheese and top it with shredded carrots or cucumber slices for added texture.

9. Baby Food

Many varieties of plain baby food are safe for dogs and make a convenient, ready-to-use option for a lick mat. Look for baby foods that contain simple ingredients like pureed vegetables, meat, or fruits, and make sure there are no added spices, onions, or garlic (which are toxic to dogs).

Pro Tip: Try mixing baby food with a little bit of plain yogurt or mashed sweet potatoes for a delicious combination.

10. Fish Paste or Pureed Sardines

If your dog enjoys fish, consider spreading some fish paste or pureed sardines onto their lick mat. These options are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which support healthy skin and coat. Be mindful of portion sizes, as fish can be rich, and choose fish products that are low in sodium.

Pro Tip: Use fish paste as a special treat, as the strong flavor and smell will keep your dog engaged for longer periods.

Creating Fun Lick Mat Combinations

For added variety and enrichment, you can combine multiple ingredients to create a flavorful and nutritious lick mat experience for your dog. Here are a few combination ideas to try:

  • Peanut Butter + Banana Slices: A classic flavor combo that dogs love.

  • Yogurt + Blueberries + Honey: A sweet and refreshing treat (use honey sparingly).

  • Cottage Cheese + Pumpkin Puree: A creamy and nutritious mixture.

  • Mashed Sweet Potatoes + Applesauce: A sweet, fiber-rich blend.

  • Wet Dog Food + Carrot Shreds: Incorporate part of your dog’s meal with a veggie boost.

Tips for Using a Dog Lick Mat

  • Freeze It: For a longer-lasting licking session, freeze the mat after spreading the food. This also makes the activity more challenging and mentally stimulating for your dog.

  • Monitor Treat Portions: While lick mats are a great way to provide enrichment, be mindful of how much food or treats you’re giving your dog. Lick mats should complement their regular meals, not replace them.

  • Clean Regularly: To prevent bacterial buildup, clean the lick mat thoroughly after each use. Most lick mats are dishwasher safe, but be sure to check the manufacturer’s instructions.

Conclusion: Enhance Your Dog’s Day with a Lick Mat

A dog lick mat is a versatile and engaging tool that provides mental stimulation, reduces anxiety, and promotes slower eating. By using a variety of healthy, dog-friendly spreads like peanut butter, yogurt, pumpkin, and more, you can turn every licking session into a tasty, enriching experience for your dog.

Whether you’re looking to calm an anxious pet, keep them entertained, or simply offer a new way to enjoy their food, a lick mat is an easy and effective solution. With endless possibilities for what to put on the mat, your dog is sure to enjoy this fun and rewarding activity.

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